Similar words: association, associate, associated, socialization, social security administration, emaciation, social class, enunciation. Meaning: n. a thought process in which ideas (words or images) suggest other ideas in a sequence.

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1. It was to be a free association of equal partners.
2. This would violate their constitutional right of free association.
3. Freud later developed the technique of free association, a triumph which is often neglected in the discussion of his controversial theories.
4. This technique of free association is a contribution to psychology which is used widely by psychotherapists, including behaviourists.
5. Sigmund Freud used free association.
6. In addition, a lot of free association, ingenious narrative style and plentiful deep meaning shape the artistic monument-The Old Man and the Sea.
7. He hoped to feel better after each visit, but rarely did, even after a session with a Jungian analyst who fell fast asleep during his patient's "free association" on the couch.
8. In 1965 residents chose self-government in free association with New Zealand.
9. The Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain.
10. The FSM signed a Compact of Free Association with the US, which entered into force on 3 November 1986, marking Micronesia"s emergence from trusteeship to independence.
11. The British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain.
12. Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain.
13. Even the most innocent Jell-O fact sends me spiraling into free association darker than even the blackest black cherry.
14. This informality is not simply neutral - the open ended product of a free association - but is directed against the formal.
15. Remember, one of the fundamental freedoms is the right of free association.
16. Only very rarely would subjects become conscious of the fact that this was not a bona fide study in free association.
17. Everyone knows, everyone can see, everyone can have experienced, that my discourse, of course, here, is not one of free association.
18. What's the relationship between body sense and creation about painting line and free association?
19. She told me over the phone, "As Freud used free association and dream analysis, I use nakedness."
20. In this respect, Woolf usually employs such techniques as internal analysis, internal monologue, recollection, free association, and symbolic marks.
21. In experiment 1, twenty-three two-character words selected from thirteen sentences were used as stimuli in a free association test.
22. This is why we have joined together in NATO in a free association of countries united not only by common political philosophies, but by the will to resist.
23. Life of Ma Parker" depicts Ma Parker's tragic life by means of two modern techniques such as interior monologue and free association."
24. If you believe that men should be free , then, they should have the right of free association, of free speech, of free publication.
25. D. dissertation on Naked Therapy," according to her website. She told me over the phone, "As Freud used free association and dream analysis, I use nakedness.
26. Miss Nipper received that proof of her confidence, as well as the prospect of their free association for the future, rather coldly, and was anything but enthusiastic in her demonstrations of joy.
27. Maintained on company servers and open to the public, these blogs are used by many high-tech workers for debate, free association, and collecting input about projects.
27. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
28. Content: the spirit of treatment method to explain Freud, mechanism of a kind of patients is free association method treatment are discussed.
29. It's the emotional reflection by linearity draws and the representation machinery by free association in technics.
30. The results indicated that semantic distance in terms of commonsense relations between words is useful to predict the performance of the free association test.
More similar words: association, associate, associated, socialization, social security administration, emaciation, social class, enunciation, annunciation, appreciation, depreciation, renunciation, denunciation, pronunciation, assassination, social, socially, sociable, socialism, socialize, socialized, unsociable, antisocial, deviation, radiation, alleviation, variation, initiation, negotiation, social contract.